Tuesday, January 22, 2013

lately {january}

drinking peppermint and ginger tea (best tea combination ever.)

enjoying hearing Andy ask, "Can I cook dinner?" (really? my heart flutters every time.)

realizing the older I get the more introverted I become

accepting the older I get the more introverted I become (but fighting the temptation to become a hermit.)

trying new things

diving in to some great cookbooks (thanks, LFPL.)

cooking more without recipes

reading Dinner: A Love Story (Hannah, remember to read this again when you have young children.)

inspired to start a food journal

so, so thankful for a full-time job and steady hours

thinking of ways to use my new energy I will have soon

preparing myself for school starting back up

looking forward to new SWI classes and events this semester

getting out the extra blankets for a cold week