Thursday, November 8, 2012

lately {november}

drinking hibiscus green tea (tea has never tasted so good) 

willing my hair to grow (all I notice is beautiful short hair) 

watching Once Upon a Time (I'm obsessed with Ginnifer Goodwin's hair. Not helping.) 

enjoying the smell of fresh limes every day 

trying to start using the library more (having books on a hold list is worse than waiting for Christmas) 

listening to strengthening your marriage in ministry 

shopping at Trader Joe's for almost all our groceries 

turning the air conditioners back on (the furnace in Fuller is a little suffocating) 

celebrating Andy's birthday 

eating Mrs. Amanda's pumpkin roll (thank you!) 

thinking of changes 

finding some good recipes (I've been stuck in a cooking rut) 

bundling up each morning 

loving roasted vegetables and hummus and pita 

planning a special date night someone blessed us with (thank you!) 

waiting anxiously for classes to end 

appreciating the little things 

thankful my mom came for a visit

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! What a fun peek into your life right now. You know I'm terribly, terribly jealous of the Trader Joe's part, don't you??? :) The last one is my favorite, though. <3 So glad y'all got to have a good visit!
