Sunday, September 22, 2013

another year

I do not like growing older. But I am increasingly thankful for life and I am increasingly thankful that birthdays feel like an old chapter is concluded and a new one is beginning. The best part of my birthday is it is fall and I get to feel special. The sad part of birthdays as you grow older is it means your husband has to work late and you make your own cake and that regular life goes on. Dishes do not know it is a special day and conferences do not know that it is supposed to be your birthday weekend extravaganza.

For an old soul, I feel pretty young. Most  people here seem to be a little older than us and are often shocked at how young we are. But inside I'm doing the math for how long we'll be in school and how old we'll be and how old we'll be when we have kids and get a house and I don't feel young. I try to remember I love our life and that often the thought of Andy graduating brings sad tears to my eyes and time goes by quickly and so what if I give birth when I'm old. Besides, age is just a number and Andy and I are really already 70 year old crazy love birds in our souls.

Here's to another year of learning, loving, and working on that list

(The evening turned out to be magical with a walk to dinner at Caspian Grill, perfect weather for eating outside, and savoring that delicious pumpkin cake.)

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